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MICromycete tarGeted bIotechnological
Valorizations for Environmental


The project

CEDREWP0 : Management, coordination & valorizationICOABIODIMARLUBEMWP1 : Culture & ScreeningICOACOBRAUBOWP2 : Structural chemistryICSNLUBEMWP3 : Culture scale-upLUBEMCEDRELeo ViridisWP4 : Operational assessmentCEDREThe project

The Mic GIVER project aims to explore the bioremediation potential of microscopic fungi on 4 groups of pollutants emblematic of human activities: Glyphosate, diesel, waxes and nitrated explosive.

After screening for biodegradation activities and/or production of metabolites of interest, the decontamination potential of these fungi will be assessed using in situ biostimulation and bioaugmentation tests.

These approaches will be done either through the use of fungi or by their metabolites to stimulate the degradation of contaminants, or by promoting the depolluting activity of plants by adding fungi or their metabolites.

Ultimately, Mic GIVER will enable the development of new fungal pollution control bioprocesses.

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